"တိုက္ပြဲေတြရပ္ၿပီး ၿမန္မာၿပည္တစ္၀ွမ္း ၿငိမ္းခ်မ္းပါေစ"
လာေရာက္လည္ပါတ္ၾကေသာ ဧည့္သည္မ်ားအားလံုး ရႊင္လန္းခ်မ္းေၿမ႔ပါေစ
လာေရာက္လည္ပတ္သူအားလံုးကို ေက်းဇူးတင္လွ်က္...ေမာင္ဖိုးကို


"Although it might sound challenging when compared to building on dry land, by building the airport in a body of water we can get away with the lengthy and costly process of gathering the huge expanse of land you need for a project of this size"...

Four Dimension - Dynamic Architecture

"Dynamic Towers are a proof, for those who had any doubts, that everything is possible.
David Fisher, the inventor and the architect, had decided during the first few stages of the design development, to bring to the building all kinds of technologies, from diverse scientific sectors, in order to materialize his dream.

Four Dimension WIKIPEDIA

Four-diemensional space is a geometric space with four diemension. It typically is more specifically four-dimensional Euclidean space, generalizing the rules of three-dimensional Euclidean space. It has been studied by mathematicians and philosophers for over two centuries, both for its own interest and for the insights it offered into mathematics and related fields

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